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Lacey, David, University of the Sunshine Coast
Lagzian, Mohammad, Professor in Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Lai, P. C. , University Malaya Commercialization Innovation Centre, Malaysia
Lai, Vincent, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lam, Tri Khai, UQ Business School University of Queensland
Lambert, Susan
Lambert, Susan, Flinders University (Australia)
Lamp, John, Australasian Journal of Information Systems
Lamp, John W
Lamp, John W, Australasian Journal of Information Systems
Lamp, John W, Australasian Journal of Information Systems (Australia)
Lamp, John W, Deakin University
Lane, M. S.
Lane, Michael, University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Business and Law School of Information Systems
Lane, Michael, University of Southern Queensland
Lane, Michael Steven, School of Management and Enterprise University of Southern Queensland
Lane, Michael Steven, University of Southern Queensland
Lang, Catherine
Lang, Catherine, LaTrobe University (Australia)
Langford, Duncan
Lanzl, Julia, University of Hohenheim, Branch Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT & FIM Research Center for Information Management, Germany
Latimore, Jack, University of Melbourne
Lattimore, Pamela, US Department of Justice, Washington DC, USA
Lau, Sim
Lauer, Thomas
Lawson, Robyn
Le, Lam-Son
Le, Long Hoang, The Business School, RMIT Vietnam
Lear, Felicity
Lederman, Reeva, School of Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering and IT, The University of Melbourne
Ledington, P.W.J.
Lee, Boon-Chye
Lee, Erica, University of Saskatchewan
Lee, Jintae
Lee, Laurence Lock, SWOOP Analytics Pty Ltd
Lee, Ming-Chi
Lee, Patrick Chang Boon
Lee, Young Hwan, Yeungnam University
Lee-Patridge, Joo Eng
Leitch, Shona

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