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Aalirezaei, Armin, Semnan University
Abareshi, Ahmad, RMIT University
Abbas, Roba
Abbasi, Babak, RMIT University
Abdullah, Moha
Abedin, Babak , Macquaire University, Sydney
Abraham, Tamas
Abramowicz, Witold
Acharya, Anitha, Department of Marketing & Strategy, IBS Hyderabad, a Constituent of IFHE, Deemed to be University, India
Ackerley, Mitchell
Adam, Marc T. P., School of Electrical Engineering and Computing The University of Newcastle
Adamopoulos, Arthur
Adapa, Sujana, Lecturer
Adhikari, Janak, Open Polytechnic, New Zealand
Adhikari, Rajindra, Macquarie University
Adnan, Md Nasim, School of Computing and Mathematics, Charles Sturt University
Afrashteh, Sadaf, University of Melbourne
Agarwal, Upasna A, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, India
Aghajani, Masoud , Edith Cowan University, Perth
Agostino, Katerina
Agustiono, Wahyudi, University of Trunojoyo Madura
Ahmad, Atif, The University of Melbourne
Ahmad, Atif, University of Melbourne
Ahmad, Muhammad, Lahore University of Management Sciences
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin, School of Business & Economics, North South University
Ahmed, Khosro Mohammad, University of Canberra
Ahmed, Shoaib, Eagle Technology
Ahmed, Tanvir, La Trobe University
Ahn, JinHo
Ahsan, Kamrul, School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain, RMIT University Melbourne
Ai-Phuong, Hoang, RMIT University, Vietnam
Akhlaghpour , Saeed, The University of Queensland
Akinsulire, Victor, Federal University of Technology
Al-Hawari, Maen
Al-Khanjari, Zuhoor
Al-Qirim, Nabeel, United Arab Emirates University
Al-Saggaf, Yeslam, Charles Sturt University
Al-Taie, Moyassar Zuhair, University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Business and Law School of Information Systems
Al-Tawil, Khalid
Alahakhoon, Damminda, La Trobe University

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