Gamifying the gig: transitioning the dark side to bright side of online engagement


  • Abhishek Behl O.P. Jindal Global University
  • Pratima Sheorey SCM HRD, Symbiosis International University, India
  • Kokil Jain Amity International Business School, Noida, India
  • Meena Chavan Macquarie University Sydney Australia
  • Isha Jajodia Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIM TECH)
  • Zuopeng (Justin) Zhang University of North Florida, USA



Gamification, Gig Work, Intention to Quit, Dark side, Engagement


Gig work has transformed the work culture, globally. It’s sprawl, and popularity has also attracted excellent talent to join the gig workforce, most of which are online. While it has unfolded new avenues to showcase talent, its management irregularities have resulted in more significant dropouts. The study addresses a key research gap investigating the dropouts of gig workers on digital earning platforms by the moderating impact of gamified interventions on online platforms. We have based our arguments and derived our hypotheses based on social exchange theory and self-determination theory. A total of 367 responses were collected from white-collar gig workers who have completed tasks on one or more gig platforms in the past two years. We test our hypotheses using partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results confirm that gamifying the online platform would enhance job satisfaction and productivity of gig employees, reducing the chances of quitting gig work. It is further observed that in the case of gig workers, high-performance work systems have a non-significant effect on the intentions to quit. The results contribute to the redesigning of online gig platforms with a layer of gamified artifacts to increase gig workers' retention.

Author Biography

Meena Chavan, Macquarie University Sydney Australia

DR MEENA CHAVAN Macquarie University Dr Meena Chavan is a Senior Lecturer in Management and Program Director for the Master of International Business in the Faculty of Business and Economics at Macquarie University. She holds a PhD in International Business and provides leadership in teaching and research in the disciplinary fields of International Business/Management, Cross Cultural Management, and Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management and ‘Experiential Learning and Teaching. She possesses a unique blend of 30 years’ of experience and has held positions in industry and academia. She is an advocate of experiential learning and adopts an experiential teaching style. Her innovative approach to teaching has earned her a Vice Chancellors citation for sustained leadership in experiential and work integrated learning approaches for the transformation of students into employable graduates with strong social and community value Her published pedagogical research include ethics education, first year students, web based teaching, education and training needs of entrepreneurs, teaching International business to large classes through experiential teaching, service quality in education and International vs. Local student's perception of quality of education. She is passionate about curriculum development and design through digital technology for the 21st century, as she believes that the style of teaching and learning for the Zee generation is far from similar to the learning styles of the baby boomers.


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How to Cite

Behl, A., Sheorey, P., Jain, K., Chavan, M., Jajodia, I., & Zhang, Z. (Justin). (2021). Gamifying the gig: transitioning the dark side to bright side of online engagement. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25.



Research on User Involvement