Impact on addiction of online platforms on quality of life

Age and Gender as moderators




Addiction, Age, Gender, Online platforms, Quality of life


The excessive usage of online platforms is inviting several unwanted problems in the society. The excessive use of online platforms is adversely interfering in many social activities. This uncontrolled and excessive use of online platforms is causing addiction to the users. This is unexpectedly impeding the normal social flow of life culminating an adverse effect on the individuals’ quality of life. Studies reveal that age and gender have influence towards addiction. In this background, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors impacting addiction of online platforms. From studies of several addiction theories, some hypotheses have been formulated and a conceptual model has been developed. These have been validated by Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis with the help of survey involving 320 usable respondents. The study highlights that loneliness, perceived enjoyment, depression, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness act as vital predictors of addiction of online platforms that impacts quality of life. The moderating factors age and gender are found to have effective impacts on the influence of predictors on the addiction of online platforms. The article is ended mentioning the limitations of this study incorporating the scopes for the future researchers to nurture the untouched points.

Author Biography

Sheshadri Chatterjee, IIT Kharagpur, India

Sheshadri Chatterjee is a management consultant practitioner working at Microsoft Corporation. Academically he is from engineering and management background. He has completed   PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and currently undergoing Post Doctorate course in IIT Kharagpur. Professionally, Sheshadri has worked as a management consultant in several MNCs.  Sheshadri is also a certified project management professional, PMP from Project Management Institute (PMI), USA and completed PRINCE2, OGC, UK. He also holds ITIL v3 UK certification in IT infrastructure management area.


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How to Cite

Chatterjee, S. (2021). Impact on addiction of online platforms on quality of life: Age and Gender as moderators . Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25.



Research on User Involvement