Does Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Travel Online Differ Across Generations?

Empirical Evidence from Australia


  • Shavneet Sharma University of the South Pacific
  • Gurmeet Singh
  • Stephen Pratt



Generational cohorts, Technology acceptance, Online purchase, Millennials, Baby Boomers, UTAUT2, Australia, Travel


This paper examines the differences in consumers' intention to purchase travel online across Millennials and Baby Boomers. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) is extended by including attitude, compatibility, innovativeness, perceived trust, and perceived risk variables. Data is collected using online questionnaires from Millennials (N=322) and Baby Boomers (N=318) in Australia. Overall, the empirical results revealed that factors affecting Australian consumers' intention to purchase travel online differ across generations. This study contributes to the literature by extending and testing the comprehensive research model to understand consumers' online travel purchase behavior better.

Author Biographies

Gurmeet Singh

Professor Gurmeet Singh is the Head of the Graduate School of Business and Director of MBA programme, in Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of The South Pacific, Fiji.

Stephen Pratt

Professor Stephen Pratt is the Head of School of Tourism & Hospitality Management, in Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of The South Pacific, Fiji.


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How to Cite

Sharma, S., Singh , G. ., & Pratt, S. . (2020). Does Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Travel Online Differ Across Generations? : Empirical Evidence from Australia. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 24.



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