An integrated model combining ECM and UTAUT to explain users’ post-adoption behaviour towards mobile payment systems


  • Sindhu Singh K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research



mobile payment systems, continuance, intention to use, UTAUT, ECM, post adoption, India


Technological progression in mobile phones has increased the popularity of mobile payments. Users can shop online through a mobile device, which is time saving and convenient. Mobile payment systems involve ongoing interactions between users and payment providers. The initial acceptance of mobile payment systems has been studied extensively, but few studies have attempted to understand users’ post-adoption behaviour. This study employs an integrated model with the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) framework and the expectation confirmation model (ECM), along with two additional constructs: perceived security and trust. The empirical results show that the integrated model has a higher predictive power to explain continuance intentions for using mobile payment systems with significant factors of satisfaction, trust, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy. This study confirmed that the UTAUT model could be extended to explain post-adoption behaviour towards mobile payment systems. The study’s findings have theoretical and practical value to further the understanding of pre- and post-adoption behaviour towards mobile payment systems.


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How to Cite

Singh, S. (2020). An integrated model combining ECM and UTAUT to explain users’ post-adoption behaviour towards mobile payment systems. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 24.



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