Problems with the DOI: Editorial for The Australasian Journal of Information Systems 2023/2024: Volume 27/28 just published


We are having problems with the new version of the OPS/PKP open source review management system regarding the correct assignment and internal mapping of dois. 

Their support staff has been notified.

I wish that one of my last actions as EiC (beyond taking care of the existing pipeline of manuscripts during the next months), would not have been to struggle with technical issues. But so it is, life is full of wonders.

Until the resolution of the problem, you can access the editorial under:

Unfortunately this doi issue has also spread to all 8 published articles for volume 28. The above URL gives you, however, direct access to these publications as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards

Karlheinz Kautz

EiC AJIS (outgoing)

Dr philos/Professor of Digital Business