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Matlay, Harry, Birmingham City University
Matook, Sabine, The University of Queensland UQ Business School
Matthes, Florian, Technical University of Munich Department of Informatics Garching bei Muenchen, Germany
Mattie, David, St. Francis Xavier University
Maurya, Dayashankar, International University of Japan
Maynard, Sean, University of Melbourne
Maynard, Sean, University of Melbourne
Maynard, Sean B, University of Melbourne
Maynard, Sean B., The University of Melbourne
Mazaheri, Elham, PhD Candidate in Information Technology Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
McCormac, Agata, Defence Science and Technology Group
McCosker, Colin
McCoy, Scott
McDonagh, Joe, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
McDonald, Craig
McDonald, Craig (Australia)
McDonald, Craig, University of Canberra
McGrath, G Michael, Victoria University
McGrath, Michael, College of Business, Victoria University Melbourne, Australia
McKay, Elspeth, RMIT University, School of Business IT & Logistics
McKay, Judy
McKay, Judy, Swinburne University of Technology (Australia)
McKinley, Amber Cheri, Charles Sturt University
McLachlan, Christine A, Deakin University, Geelong
McLean, Sheelah, University of Saskatchewan
McLeod, Graham
McLeod, Laurie, Auckland University of Technology
McMeekin, David, Doctor & Senior Lecturer at Curtin University Australia, School of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS)
McQueen, Robert
McQueen, Robert, University of Waikato (Australia)
Mecoles, Karen
Mehler, Alexander
Mehta, Mihir , Indian Institute of Management Raipur
Meloche, Joseph
Memar, Navid, PhD Student at Curtin University Australia, School of Electrical Eng, Computing and Mathematical Sciences (EECMS)
Mendoza, Antonette, University of Melbourne
Mercer, David
Meredith, Rob, Monash University
Metcalfe, Mike
Metcalfe, Mike, University of South Australia (Australia)

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