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Kerr, Don, University of the Sunshine Coast
Kerr, Don V, The University of the Sunshune Coast
Kerr, Don Vance, Griffith University
Kerr, Donald
Kerr, Donald, Faculty of Arts and Business, University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)
Khalil, Davide
Khan, Elyas, University of Melbourne
Khan, Gohar, College of Technological Innovation, Zayed University
Khan, Imdadullah, Lahore University of Management Sciences
Khan, Irfanuzzaman, University of Canberra
Khan, Khaled
Khushalani, A., Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Kiew, Min-Yen
Kiley, Margaret
Kingsford, Richard
Kishore, Shohil, The University of Auckland
Kjaer, Cai, SWOOP Analytics Ptd Ltd
Kjeldskov, Jesper
Klein, Heinz, The State University of New York, NY, USA
Klein, Stefan
Knight, Shirlee-Ann, Curtain University, Perth, Australia
Knight, Shirlee-ann, Edith Cowan University
Kock Jr, Nereu
Koh, Sharon G.M., Monash University Malaysia
Kolbe, Lutz, University of Göttingen
Kolbe, Lutz M., Chair of Information Management, University of Goettingen
Kopplin, Cristopher, University of Bayreuth
Koronios, A.
Koronios, Andy, University of South Australia
Koronios, Andy, University of South Australia (Australia)
Korthaus, Axel, Victoria University
Kostin, Dmitrii , Independent researcher, Wellington, New Zealand
Kotlarsky, Julia, University of Auckland
Kotonya, Gerald
Koutra, Danai, University of Michigan, USA
Kowalkiewicz, Marek
Kramer Vieira da Cunha, Cecilia
Kreuzer, Stanislav, Institute for Information Systems, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Krishna, Aneesh, Associate Professor at Curtin University Australia, School of Electrical Eng, Computing and Mathematical Sciences (EECMS)
Kristiina, Tuunainen Virpi

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