Determining Boundary Conditions of Social Influence for Social Networks Research


  • Dharshani Chandrasekara
  • Darshana Sedera
  • Caddie Gao



Social media, Boundary conditions, Theory and philosophy


Social media is an important consideration in most behavioural research domains. Naturally, there is a wealth of studies employing social media as a rich context to derive insights. Over the years, such studies in information systems discipline too have made substantial knowledge contributions. With the proliferation of social media, researchers in recent times recognise some unique and fundamental differences in social media that would be beneficial to be considered in future studies. This paper contributes to the aforementioned theme by recognising five boundary conditions applicable to social media context, that would be applicable to a broad range research in information systems.


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How to Cite

Chandrasekara, D., Sedera, D. ., & Gao, C. (2021). Determining Boundary Conditions of Social Influence for Social Networks Research. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25.



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